How To Eliminate Lazyness - How To Eliminate Lazy

You must have felt lazy. Right? Yes, you must have felt it. And no man in this world who love  the feel lazy. According to the great dictionary of Indonesian the third edition , lazy is dislikes or is reluctant to do something. Everybody hates this disease because the impact is very bad. In simple terms we can say people may be rich if lazy to work, students would not be smart if  lazy to learn, and we will be susceptible to the disease if we are lazy to exercise. Lazy person’s suppose to be the main cause evil, how not, if proverty and ignorance have united in themselves coupled with the lack of religious education then it is very difficult person is not committing a crime to others.
I will share tips on how to eliminate the lazy. Firstly, develop a sense of love for the things that make us lazy. Normally adult humans, men and women have experienced a condition called falling in love. When it all tasted wonderful, life became more vibrant and full of passion. Things that are heavy into light, even an impossible task performed by people in general become a usual thing for a human being in love. So not too wrong if most of us refer to those who are in love it like crazy. This phenomenon which we use as a major issue in dealing with the disease lazy. Most people say that love is grace that goes with just into someone’s heart. But in some matters is not always the case, because there are many people who do not succesfully cultivate a love for something to do a few tips of its own, that is the way to know better the object of a loved one, see any virtues that have been given, and imagine all the benefits that will be found if it is loved. As an example, we will be diligent in worship to God if we get to know who God is, knowing and realizing the virtues that God has given to us and various kinds of benefits if we want to love that got the good life in the world, entered into heaven and freed from the heat of the fire of hell. Or another example, if we already know the benefits of writing then we will always be eager to write given all the benefits we have experienced. In addition to the main issue that has been presented, there is another issue that could make the supporters of the more indolent disease eroded from us on an ongoing basis, including the habit of healthy lifestyles, changing the paradigm that says “live load” to “life opportunies”, subtract blaming others and familiarize self-evaluation because failure of a person’s life most often caused by nature likes to blame others. Tips other supporting is positive thingking. Positive thingking when people could actually he has got happiness in the life because whatever happens to the self is all goodness, good when it gets sustenance nor when receiving the disaster, if given healthy then think that being given a favor then it should be utilized as much as you to do much good, if given pain then think God wants us to take a break from the daily grind, and most of the sins that have ever done will be removed by God because the disease being suffered now. In addition, try to place  recreation-slum settlements while preparing a little sustenance whether it be lunch pack or a bit of money for them. In addition we also can visit our friends who are sick, or we could just make a pilgrimage grave whenever we want, where we contemplate that those people who are in the grave it always ask God to be restored to the world if only prayers or alms.


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