Tips Public Speaking - Tips Public Speaking

Speaking in public is not as easy as it is seen. Communication could be Considered successful if the information we can Convey well received by our speakers. Especially when we are speaking in public / public. With a wider range of audience, we need to prepare ourselves here. Because along with success, you will need to speak in public. Appropriate Here are tips for you who want to deepen the ability of public speaking.
And true, then the ability to speak in public for Reviews those who feel they have more knowledge or Difficulties in public speaking is the worst thing you would feel in your life, Because You will not get a change to be famous and appreciated many people if it does not have the ability speak this publicly. Do you imagine! Try someone who has a lot of knowledge of course he will always be in need by many people or society. The question is, how do other people know that you are the person who has knowledge if without having the ability and how to speak in public who either have a desire to Become a great speaker or maybe you have ever aspired to Become a motivator, orator , cleric, chaplain or other speakers.
1. Preparation before public speaking
Before you speak in public, try to prepare everything well. Here are things you should prepare before you speak in public:
a. Materials. The material was key that you convey to the audience, therefore prepare things what would you say later that you do not run out of words when speaking. If you do not prepare well the material sense to you nervous even looks like the confusion. If this happen youwill just Embarrass yourself. Well, try to prepare the material that you Convey that you better be ready to speak in public.
b. Make a small note. After you prepare the material, try to write it down paper. Write the important part-importance only. This will help you cope forget or run out of material.
c. Exercise. After you prepare the material and the make notes, take your time to practice speaking. You can do it in front of the mirror, make sure that your family back home know that you're training for public speaking so that they do not think all kinds against you.
d. Relax. If you've done three things above, before you speak you have to be quite. When you are still not calm when going to tal, try to make yourself calm. You can inhale slowly to your maind hanger. When it calmed try to speak According the material you have prepared.
How to Overcome distrust in public speaking:
a. Many read books. Appropriate term for this is "a book as a window to the world". Many science we can know from reading. Read and read, read any science studies as long as we are given time to read. Because there is no limit achievement of science, then we are encouraged to countinue reading, as in the letter of al-Qalam. With the insight we know about an area, we help us to eloquent in conveying what we know from what we've read, so, we will distrust gradully decline.
b. Start dare try to respond to things that we know to avoid the word "may". After we read many books, try to take the liberty to Convey what we already know it. Tus, we will feel the present in their Midst and did not feel alone anymore.
c. Lots of good practice using vocabulary and Easily understood by others. For beginners who are trying to speak his mind, beginning to experience stiffness language. Tus, the language fluently we type in the text, would be very difficult, to express through word of mouth. So that, with perseverance improve vocabulary used to be Able to make you more proficient and confident in expressing something.
d. Do not ignore any opportuni to express Reviews their opinions
e. Instill the concept of "if something goes wrong, then we are in the process of learning so that later the mistakenat this point is not unrepeatable in the future"
2. Know your audience. Before we start to speak in public then we need to first identify who our audience. We need to know the preferences of Reviews their age, level of education, the proportion of men and women, to the interest them. Knowing our audience well the make us better prepared Because We can create materials that fit our audience
3. Get used rehearse before the show. I used to do rehearse of practice rehearsal before the show. So in empty room, i do the simulation as if-if i'm talking in front of people. In fact i do simulation in the form of games, jokes, and how this makes me more confident.
4. Interact with the audience. Everyone is happy to Directly Involved, rather then just hearing talk tahat it could be boring. Then, when you speak in public, make sure You also occasionally throw the question to the audience, inviting them to play, ice breaking, can be an effective means if you presentation is too long.

Sumber: /cara-mengatasi-rasa-tidak-percaya-diri.html


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